Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is a morphosyntactic operation?

What is a morphosyntactic operation?

A morphosyntactic operation is an ordered, dynamic relation between one linguistic form and another.
A morphosyntactic operation is often manifested (or coded) by a formal operator, such as a prefix, a suffix, a stress shift or a combination of two or more of these. However, some operations are not overtly coded. One method of noting the existence of a morphosyntactic operation that has no overt realization is to posit a zero morpheme.
Contrast: morphosyntactic operations and morphological processes
Morphological processes encode morphosyntactic operations.
Morphosyntactic operations have conceptual content and may be associated with particular functions.
Plural formation is a morphosyntactic operation, whereas suffixation is a kind of morphological process that English uses to encode plural formation.
Here are two kinds of morphosyntactic operations:

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