Saturday, May 25, 2013

Parent/ Child Relationship

Parent/ Child Relationship

Parents and their children hold a special relationship with each other. The relationship between parents and their children have a great effect on the child’s life. Through the readings, this is apparent in positive relationships, negative relationships, and in average relationships between the parent and the child.
A positive relationship between parents and their children helps with the up bringing of the child. This is seen in Theodore Roethke’s piece, “My Papa’s Waltz”, and in William Butler Yeats piece, “A Prayer for My Daughter”. In Roethke’s piece he writes, “We romped until the pans slid from the kitchens shelf; [My] mother’s countenance could not unfrown itself.”(202) Here he reflects on the good time that they had. It is also apparent in, “ You beat time on [my] head with a palm caked hard by dirt, then waltzed me off to bed still clinging to your shirt.”(202) This shows that he was having fun and he clung to his fathers shirt because he didn’t want to go to bed, he wanted to spend more time with his father. Throughout Yeat’s entire piece a positive relationship is seen as well. He prays for what he hopes his daughter will have while she grows and matures. What catches my eye the most

What do you know about american history? What do you want to know about american history?

What do you know about american history? What do you want to know about american history?

What I know:
Columbus discovered America on his boot called “mayflower”.
In a civil war the north states fight against the south states because the north states want to abolish the slavery.
The americans fought against germany and austria in the first world war.
The americans fought against the germans in the second world war.
What I want to know:
I’m interested in the young american history. What happens the last 50m years in america. What is the political history in america, for example how was the american government originated. Always I’m interested in the hole american history because you don’t learn so much about american history in germany.

Why do we need to teach civic education, engagement and democracy values in Moroccan Universities?

Why do we need to teach civic education, engagement and democracy values in Moroccan Universities?

Why do we need to teach civic education, engagement and democracy values in Moroccan Universities?
By Halima Ouamouch
Morocco World News
Casablanca, March 11, 2012
The democratization process in Morocco faces many challenges related, among others, to a feeble democratic culture and practice and civic engagement.  Without educating the student community –the most vital component of society – on these values and practices, the process will remain slow, fragile and unsustainable.  This community can be a reliable agent of change though it suffers from several challenges.  Clearly there is a weak political and civic engagement; lack of perspective in terms of career visibility; identity and belonging crisis and over-fascination with Western living standards.
Hence, our democratic deficiency is partially due to the lack of civic values and practices at the grass-root levels.  The student community feeds all spheres and contributes consequently to the reproduction of the same underlying values (most of them are not civically-oriented). Unless this community is empowered, Morocco will remain weak and vulnerable. Consequently, mainstreaming civic engagement and democracy values in curriculum and research, along with related decision-making processes and advocacy, is certainly one of the recommended paths toward an open and democratic Moroccan society.
This educational strategy has the potential to create a certain momentum for change towards the mainstreaming of civic engagement and democracy by research and education in Moroccan universities.  It is noteworthy that no robust and comprehensive initiative has been undertaken in this direction so far.  Even in social sciences teaching affiliations, civic engagement is not systematically incorporated.
It is important to initiate relevant research and develop more synergy between involved actors and final users of inputs. The university will serve as a dynamic source of creative ideas, a space for free interaction and exchange with all stakeholders, and a training and advocacy-based instrument.  Also, it will serve as an incubator for innovative ideas, leadership cultivation and civic-oriented initiatives.  The use of ICTs as a leverage and platform will make our universities and their policy more inclusive.
It is high time to face and deal with the low rates of participation in the civic life of Morocco in voting, in advocacy, in local grassroots associations, and in other forms of civic engagement that are necessary for the vitality of our democratization process.
By increasing the number of students who understand and are committed to engaging in meaningful civic actions, it will be possible to overcome the current deficient situation.
Moroccan universities are invited to open up on each other regardless of their different specializations, hence reinforcing the interdisciplinary character of their education programs. They will certainly refresh their attractiveness by reorienting their missions and agenda via the incorporation of civic education dimension.  If we complain about the crisis, if not failure, of our educational system, I think we need to bring the university down from its ivory tower to embrace a large and active community through service learning and civic engagement-oriented activities.
Halima Ouamouch is Professor of English studies at the University of Hassan II, Casablanca.

Define “civic value”

 Define “civic value”

“Civic Values” are values, which help the population to live a better, and saver life. All people who want to live together in a community should respect these values. It is possible that different countries have some different values. A value is something what the people can control without the influence of the government, that’s the reason why some people don’t respect it because nothing can happen to you if you don’t follow the values.  I think “civic values” are very good if everyone respect and follows them.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

تثبيت الويندوز عن طريق الفلاش


برنامج صغير تستطيع عن طريقه عمل وندوز فلاشة
يحل مشاكل تآكل السى درووم وبطئها ويجعل تسطيب الويندوز كما لو كان من على درايف مما يجعل التسطيب اسرع

- 1
تنصيب البرنامج وتشغيله

- وضع الـ usb flash فاضية او لا تحتاج الى البرامج المخزنة بها لانها سوف تفرمت الفلاشه
- اضغط على كلمة refresh بالقائمة التي بالصوررة كي يقرأ الفلاشة
- فعّل خانة removable
- ضع قرص الوندوز المراد نسخه على الفلاشة في مشغل الاقـــــــراص أو قم باختيار صورة الايزو اذا كنت محتفظ بها في جهازك من خانة browes
- مثال :

- ثم اضغط على PE2USBسيقوم الان بفرمتة الفلاشة ونسخ الملفات اليها وستفتفح لك هذه النافذة :

- اضغط على Enable Disk Format ليقوم بفتح القامة المقابلة
- اختر الخيار : Quick Format و الخيار Enable LBA (FAT16X)هكذا :

- اضغط Start وانتظر حتى تخرج لك رسالة تطلب منك ان تضغط على continue ثم رسالة تطلب منك الضفط على OK
- بعد ان ينتهي اضغط على close
- سيتبقى معك النافذة الاولى

- اضغط على goسيقوم باذن الله بعمل وندوز على الفلاشة
بعد ان ينتهي سيخبرك بذلك وسيأخذ تقريبا نصف ساعة
انا شخصيا جربتها على جهاز hp هاردسك ساتا بعد ان دمجت التعاريف مع الوندوز ببرنامج elite والنتيجة ممتازة وسهلة جدا

شرح كيفية تثبيت الاكسبي عن طريق الاقلاع من الفلاش ميموري

وهنا نبدأ الموضوع
- المتطلبات المطلوبه لعمل النسخه
- نسخه ويندوزأصليه
- نسخه من برنامج winsetupfromusb
- فلاشه لا يقل حجمه عن 1 جيجا
هنا الشرح بالصور

- بعد تحميل برنامج winsetupfromusb تقوم بإختيار نسخه الويندوز من brows

- تنقسم إلى
- تقوم بالضغط على petousb وهنا لفرمته الفلاشه لتكون جاهزه لإستقبال ملفات الويندوز
- إضغط على enable format
- أضغط ريستارت

- أضغط go لنقل الملفات إلى الفلاشه


هل تريد تتبيت الويندوز على حاسوب لا يمتلك قارئ السيدي ّّّ

نبذة عن البرنامج
البرنامج ينسخ ملفات الويندوز على الفلاش ديسك وذلك لتثبيت الويندوز على الحواسيب التي لا تمتلك قارئ أقراص.الشرح
افتح ملف التثبيت وحدد I gree with the above terms and conditionsتم اظغط على Next

- حدد مسار التثبيت واظغط على Next

- اظغط على Start

- انتظر ريثما ينتهي التثبيت

- اظغط على Next

- اظغط على Exit

- اضغط على Hp Format

- اختر الفلاش ميموري خاصتك ثم حدد Quick Format

- اظغط على Start ثم انتظر انتهاء الفرمطة

- ستظهر هذه النافذة اظغط على OUI

- اظغط على Ok

- اختر مكان الويندوز (ليست مشكلة إذا كان الويندوز ليس على قرص "سيدي" المهم أن تكون بملفاتها الكاملة (

- الآن اضغط على GO

- انتظر انتهاء عملية نقل الملفات

- اظغط على Ok

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